Part IV. Reference Guide

If the tutorial hasn't provided you with all of the answers you need, just have a look at the pages here in the Reference Guide.

Table of Contents

16. Debrief file formats
16.1. Replay file format
16.1.1. Track data
16.1.2. Symbology attributes
16.1.3. Annotation Data Intro
16.1.4. Core Elements
16.1.5. Planning Legs
16.1.6. Entry comments
16.1.7. Towed Array Extensions
16.1.8. Dynamic Elements
16.1.9. Dynamic Track Annotations
16.1.10. Formatting helpers
16.2. Debrief file format
16.2.1. Introduction
16.2.2. Adoption of XML
16.3. KML file format
16.3.1. Introduction to KML file format
16.3.2. LineString KML files
16.3.3. MultiGeometry KML files
16.4. Flat file format
16.4.1. Introduction to Flat file (SAM) format
16.4.2. Schema for Flat file format
16.5. Multipath analysis datafiles
16.5.1. Introduction
16.5.2. SVP file
16.5.3. Time delays file
16.6. S2087 Track files
16.6.1. Introduction
16.6.2. File format
16.7. SVG Symbol Format
16.7.1. Introduction
16.7.2. Implementation
16.7.3. Here are some examples:
16.8. Third Party BRT Format
16.8.1. Introduction
16.8.2. Format
17. Scripting Cookbook
17.1. Introduction
17.1.1. Looping through Tracks
17.1.2. Getting Selected Item
17.1.3. Getting Current Time of a Scenario
17.1.4. Getting Start and End Time Bounds of a Scenario
17.1.5. Adding Shape to a Plot
17.1.6. Loading a Track from an Unusual Track Format
17.1.7. Writing Calculated Values to Text File
17.1.8. Revealing All Tracks in a Particular Color
17.1.9. Grouping Related into a New Layer
17.1.10. Making All Annotations Live for a Duration
17.1.11. Reusing Code from Another File
18. GeoTools in Debrief
18.1. Introduction
19. Debrief algorithms
19.1. Range/Bearing calculations within Debrief
19.1.1. LEGACY - The Rhumb-Line formulae
19.1.2. LEGACY - Short-distance sailing
19.2. Worm in the hole algorithm
19.2.1. Overview
19.2.2. Example
19.2.3. Algorithm
19.3. Other Debrief algorithms
19.3.1. Frequency algorithms
19.4. Remove Jumps
19.4.1. Background
19.4.2. Algorithm
19.5. Contouring algorithm
19.5.1. Introduction
19.5.2. CONREC
19.5.3. Algorithm
19.5.4. Example
19.5.5. Subroutine
19.5.6. Example
19.5.7. Note
20. Semi Automated Track Construction (SATC)
20.1. High-Level SATC Concepts
20.1.1. Strategy
20.1.2. Process
20.1.3. Data Concepts
20.1.4. Algorithms
20.1.5. Examples of contributions
20.2. Optimisation Strategies
20.2.1. Brute Force
20.2.2. Simulated Annealing
20.2.3. Genetic Algortihm
20.3. Solution Generator based on Genetic Algorithm
20.3.1. Definitions
20.3.2. Structure
20.3.3. Candidate Factory
20.3.4. Chromosome selection strategy
20.3.5. Genetic operators
20.3.6. Fitness function
20.3.7. Island attributes
21. System Documentation for DIS integration
21.1. Introduction
21.1.1. DIS Standard
21.1.2. Adding support for further DIS message types
21.2. Command line options
21.3. Messages supported
21.4. Other DIS specifics